Sunday, March 20, 2011

Joseph Gordon Levitt is to play Albert Falcone

It has been wide Speculation in reguards to the upcoming Christopher Nolan film, "The Dark Knight Rises." It has been over 2 years since The Dark Knight was released and fans have been hungry for more ever since. Nolan has built a large fan base with the Batman franchise and has also grapsed our imaginations with his 2010 film "Incepition".
With "The Dark Knight Rises" to begin its production in May, and to be released July 20 2012, fans are at the edge of thier seats. However, before these anoucements were made there was thousands of outlandish rumors as to what the title of the movie would be, and who the main villians would be. Months ago it was released that Tom Hardy would play Bane, and the beautiful Anne Hathaway would be playing Catwoman. But one actor in particular was constantly speculated to play the Ridderly, and that was Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Gordon-Levitt was put into speculation because in an earlier interview, he stated that "It would be cool if Nolan did put me in his next Batman movie, you never know". Now today it has been released that he will not be playing the Riddler, but Albert Falcone aka The Holiday Killer, the son of crime boss Carmine Falcone This should be sure to have fans excited!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Darren Aronofsky backs out of Wolverine Movie?!!!....Say it ain't so!

If you've all haven't heard yet, Darren Afonofsky, the director of "Black Swan". has stepped down as the director 20th Century Fox new film entitled "The Wolerine". I know millions of fanboys were crushed when they heard the news. Aronofsky, who was recently nominated for an Oscar for Best Director, has stepped down from the director seat of The Wolerine due to a lengthy production schedule. Aronofsky states that the production time would be to long for him to be away from his family. I support Darren's decision on this matter completely, although I am upset that one of the best directors of this decade has given up his seat for perhaps one of the best comic book movies to hit the sivler screen in 2012. Especially considering that the Wolerine francise needs a giant boost from it 2009 disappointment, "X-men;Wolerine's Origin", directed by Gavin Hood. For all us comic book fans out there, lets just hope the project goes into the right hands this time around.

Finding internships suck!

Greetings from the Nether World.
For any college students out there who have tried relentlessly to find the perfect internship and have recieved no calls backs or emails.....I FEEL YOUR PAIN :-(.  Now before I continue I must come clean. I have not been the best college student that I can be. I have slacked off from time to time, thus making my gpa less than desirable to employers. BUT! I have personinality, and we all know personaility gets you a long way. When I first dormed on campus I had a room mate(whose name will not be revealed) who was a very....original kind of guy. He mostly stayed in the room and did his work, yet when he got around people he was very, well WERID. A friend of mine always discussed that no matter how smart you are, being able to hold a good conversation and network comes in handy more than grades and gpa's. IDK, what do you guys think? Should a peson be limited to how very they perform in a class room or how good they are at "wooing over" people is you will?