Thursday, March 17, 2011

Finding internships suck!

Greetings from the Nether World.
For any college students out there who have tried relentlessly to find the perfect internship and have recieved no calls backs or emails.....I FEEL YOUR PAIN :-(.  Now before I continue I must come clean. I have not been the best college student that I can be. I have slacked off from time to time, thus making my gpa less than desirable to employers. BUT! I have personinality, and we all know personaility gets you a long way. When I first dormed on campus I had a room mate(whose name will not be revealed) who was a very....original kind of guy. He mostly stayed in the room and did his work, yet when he got around people he was very, well WERID. A friend of mine always discussed that no matter how smart you are, being able to hold a good conversation and network comes in handy more than grades and gpa's. IDK, what do you guys think? Should a peson be limited to how very they perform in a class room or how good they are at "wooing over" people is you will?

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